Electrical Engineer by trade - Developer by option
+20 years of experience in Software Development
Advanced Certified ScrumMaster A-CSM
Teaching CAPSTONE Project courses since 2014
Father of two little honey badgers tasmanian devils beautiful children
Set up a Github repository for each group
Create a clear documentation
Set up a complete tech stack: frontend, CSS framework, backend, database, etc.
Create a minimum viable product (MVP)
Get all teams excited about their projects!
There are no regular lectures
Instead, we will have meetings with individual groups
Meetings can take place online or in person
Meetings are only 20 minutes long
Attendance is mandatory!
→ Meetings at: MS Teams or in-person
→ For reaching out: Teams or email
→ For asynchronous messaging: Blackboard
→ For submissions and tracking issues: Github
We will run four sprints (three weeks per sprint)
Following themes:
Sprint I: Requirement Gathering and Documentation
Sprint II: Setting up our tech stack
Sprint III: Integrating our tech stack
Sprint IV: Creating an MVP
Meetings will be held with individual groups
Each group can choose to meet in person or online
Pick your group's time-slot at your course's website
You will need your unique group's id number that will be provided by your faculty via email
Each sprints will consist of the following events:
Sprint Planning: Discuss sprint plans
Sprint Implementation: Conduct the work
Sprint Review: Show your results
Each group needs only to attend their own meeting
Prior to the meeting: Create issues on GitHub using this layout
Further instructions on Blackboard
Elmo: further questions can be asked later over Teams
Be prepared!!!
Time provided for students to work on their issues
Instructor available for help via email or Teams
Each issue must be updated with a comment, called weekly scrum, in which current progress is reported
See this example
Each group will present the tasks they worked on during that sprint
For implementation tasks, focus on functionality
Missing features and bugs will result in deductions
Each issue should be closed with a comment, called Retrospective
See this example. Also, include links to PRs!
Further instructions on Blackboard
→ Creating Issues - 2 marks
→ Weekly Scrum - 2 marks
→ Retrospective - 2 marks
→ Repository* - 2 marks (commits, PRs, etc.)
Performance during meetings - 5 marks
Implementation - 12 marks
Marks are not always group based
A clear division of the work will be discussed during each Sprint Planning
Deductions might occur: missing meetings, violating the WA, not delivering, etc.
Marks are always final
At the end of the term, each group must have a minimum viable prototype
Pick a timeslot for our meetings
Discuss project ideas with your team
Read the instructions for Sprint Planning I on Blackboard and write your issues