
Classical PM

PM Triangle: Cost and Time


Project Management Triangle

Time Management:


Gantt Charts

Cost Management

Estimation Techniques

Budgeting in SCRUM

Project Management Triangle


The quality of a project is dictated by three factors: scope, budget, and time

The combination of these factors is called: Project Management Triangle

Up to the manager to to achieve a proper trade-off

"Good, cheap, and fast. Pick two!"

Triple Constraint

Las class we discussed scope

This class will discuss time and cost

Time Management

Time Management

Time is often the variable that has the least amount of flexibility

Many projects have hard due dates: Christmas, Tax season, Competition, Contracts, etc.

Poor time management can also lead to extra costs

Time Management

After a scope has been determined, focus switches to the order in which activities are carried out

A number of tools have been developed over the years such as Gantt Charts and PERT Charts (Network Diagrams)

These tools help determine the order, dependencies, and how long a project will take



Dependencies (or relationships) dictate the logical sequencing of project activities

A clear understanding of dependencies is requried to build proper charts and diagrams

Begin at the beginning," the King said, very gravely, "and go on till you come to the end: then stop.”

Dependencies Examples

Data Extraction depends on Data Availability

Data Cleaning depends on Raw Data being accessible

Exploratory Data Analysis depends on Cleaned and Transformed Data being accessible

Types of Dependencies

There are three types of dependencies:

Mandatory dependencies hard logic

Discretionary dependencies are agreed upon

External dependencies regards non-project activities

Gantt Charts

Gantt Charts

List project activities vs their start and finish dates

The Critical Path determines the earliest completion of a project

The more activities are in this path, the harder it is to make a proper prediction

Gantt Chart Example 1

Gantt Chart Example 2

Gantt Chart Example 3

Cost Management

What is Cost?

Resource sacrificed or foregone to achieve a specific objective
“simply put: money

Cost Management

After estimating scope and timeline, a cost analysis is required to start up a project

Costs come from multiple sources: personnel, equipment, real state, licenses, etc.

In what follows we will cover Cost Estimation Techniques and Budgeting in Scrum

Cost Estimation

Cost Estimation Techniques

Top-down Uses similar projects as basis

Bottom-Up Uses the WBS as a basis

Parametric Uses metrics such as cost of line of code

Estimation Problems

Quick Estimation Rushed to meet deadlines

Lack of Experience Most devs are not accountants

Biases Leading to underestimation


Profit   revenue - expenditures

ROI   ratio by which revenue exceeds investment

Cost Overrun how much actual costs exceed estimates

Budgeting in Scrum

Budgeting in Scrum

The Product Owner is reponsible for budgeting

Two main components:

  Personnel costs: team

  Fixed costs: hardware, software, infrastructure

Budgeting in Scrum

For personel costs, it is best to get the cost per sprint

Each member has a daily rate and an allocation rate

daily rate × allocation rate = daily burn rate

daily burn rate × number of days = sprint burn rate

Total sprint cost: sum of the cost of all members

Budgeting in Scrum

Let's assume that we have three developers

Each developer has a daily rate (for weekdays), which can be calculated as annual salary/260

Each developer has its own allocation rate between different projects

Each sprint takes two weeks (10 weekdays)

Budgeting in Scrum

Role Rate Allocation Burn Rate
Product owner $600 50% $3,000
Dev Team $400 100% $4,000
Dev Team $300 100% $3,000
Total $10,000

Budgeting in Scrum

If the project is expected to last for a total of 6 sprints:

Total Personnel cost: 10,000 * 6 = 60,000

If fixed costs are 20,000...

Total Cost: 80,000

Budgeting in Scrum

It is always good to have a 10% - 15% contingency

For the example, this would result in: 80,000 * 10/100 = 8,000 in contigency

Total Cost (including contigency): 88,000

Budget overruns should be reported early

Reading Material

Project Management (Chapter 10 - Blackboard)

Gantt Charts

Project Management (Chapter 12 - Blackboard - until Managing the Budget)

Budgeting in Scrum